Freitag, 7. Januar 2011

First glimpse at Dark Eldar

Hi there,

yesterday I had my first test game with my upcoming DE army and due to a few games against them I want to put down some initial thoughts.
First thing is, I am sure that the classic lance or raider spam wont work anymore. Lances perform just like the normal missile launchers in most cases, are more expensive in actual and hidden costs and can´t be fielded within units that are durable *and* fast.

Raiders are too expensive.They die through bolterfire and are 1/4 of a Landraider or 2 Rhinos which will perform pay better to their given roles. They are fast, yes, but that´s all about it and unnecessary because the army is really fast even on foot. Plus you put your units into a huge danger going flat out or just waste half of your speed and be "degraded" to a rhino with 1 av less.

Haemunculi are nice but I think they are far from mandatory. Delivering paintokens is great because the advantages you gain go from "pretty nice" to "GEEZUS!", Wychtes evolve from a good unit to a real threat after gaining 2 of them, but a well built army will still work without them.

The army as a whole has to be a well orchestrated minuet of death and destruction where each unit has its parts piano at the beginning, then crescendo into a violent forte wrecking your opponents army. To achieve this spamming won´t work in my opinion, you have to create and exploit synergies within your army in order to achieve the most of it.

By the way, I think DE are masters of MSU.

So far my first thoughts on the new book, and there´s a lot more to come.

take care

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